A group exhibition featuring Ever Baldwin, Karen Barbour, Joan Brown, Margaret Curtis, Al Freeman, Tamara Gonzales, Trulee Hall, Roxanne Jackson, Rainen Knecht, Bonnie Lucas, Bridget Mullen, Catherine Mulligan, Gladys Nilsson, Pat Oleszko, Morgan Ritter, Suellen Rocca, Adrianne Rubenstein, Dasha Shishkin, Nora Sturges, Oakley Tapola, Constance Tenvik, Marnie Weber.
Organized with Rainen Knecht
Cloudy with the mother
Another pressured bottle of vinegar
tightens and rips in the conservator’s kitchen
Beans and spliced linens
Each material self-possessed in her individual applications
Her voice is within the slime at the bottom
Each component slick and gelatinous
Amalgams of goop raking light across fields
leaving behind a sort of glazed amber gravy’s residual substance
acidic with volume
She’s making a world from work and play
of junkyard archival salad education
Throwing goop into the heat until it burns through the questions
Where is she
What is she married to
By Morgan Ritter